I made a quilt. I'm very happy with it, as it's my first try and it turned out really well. Now I'm going to tackle a big quilt. I decided I'm going to do the whole thing in corduroy, I can't wait to start it, it's going to look so cool!
I would post a picture of the quilt, but I've tried three times and it won't upload, so I give up!
Can't wait to see the picture of the quilt, boy first a sign now a quilt, i guess you are putting me to shame, i better get productive, all i have is a 5 year old witha broken collar bone!!
looking forward to the picture!!!!
Awesome! Now - if you can just teach me to sew skirts we can start that funny fabric skirt making business I've always dreamed about....
Looks awesome, hey toboth of you, I have the NEW fancy sew machine that i got for my bday way back in march that i don't know how to use yet. Maybe we should have a sewing bee!!! or at least drink wine bee!!!!
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