So I write my post for each day the night before. There are two reasons for this: One, I don't want to get fired for writing my blog at work and two, it means that I have time to write something that I can schedule publication for each morning at 9:00 a.m. and then forget about it. The only problem with this is sometimes I write late at night when I'm feeling particularly vulnerable and introspective so I perhaps reveal a little too much. And yet, I let it stand because it's what I was feeling at the time. It's the truth, in as much as one can reveal the truth about themselves. As I've mentioned before, we have many faces and sometimes we don't even show our true face to ourselves, let alone anyone else. Sometimes we just don't know ourselves well enough to be capable of the truth. My writing is sometimes silly, sometimes reflective, sometimes wise, sometimes foolish, but I let it stand because it is as true as I can get.

Shit, my glass is empty. That sucks.
P!NK never spoke truer words.
My soul is restless tonight. I have so many unanswered questions. As I wrote that I realized we all do and it's a little presumptuous of me to expect to get mine answered. I watch too many movies and dream of a happy ending but the reality never works the way you imagined it. Movies only show the beginning, the fun part, the falling in love. They don't show the relationship part. So we have decades of lessons about how to fall in love, but not one about how to keep that love real. Balls.
Enough dribble for one night. I apologize for this latte-less post. But I will not apologize for buying a bottle of wine called the Frisky Beaver. Those people are marketing geniuses.
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